BONUS: Why Are You Studying For the CPLP?

What's up with the CPLP? Why bother getting the CPLP credential? What exactly are you studying for? This bonus episode attempts to answer these questions.

Why bother getting the CPLP credential? What exactly are you studying for? Why is it important?

Are you studying for the CPLP now? Let me know and let's connect:
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Twitter: @laurapasquini

Chapter 3: Importance of Certification (Kippen, Son Lee, & Toister, 2014)
  • Understand the value of certification and the Certified Professional in Learning and Performance (CPLP) 
  • Identify the value to the employer, credential holders, and Training & Development (T&D) profession
  • Experience from employer and candidates
Reference: Biech, E. (2014). ASTD handbook: The definitive reference for training & development, 2nd Edition. Alexandra, VA: American Society for Training and Development.

What is CPLP certification?
: involves the comprehensive evaluation of skills that are measured against industry standards, professional associations, and other industry-wide credentials for T&D -- with the following requirements for CPLP certification eligibility:
  1. Knowledge Exam: 150 multiple choice on the 10 Areas of Expertise (AOE) + the Global Mindset foundational competency
  2. Skills Assessment Exam: of 100 questions multiple choice that focuses on application of skills from ONE (1) AOE of your choice: 
    1. Training Delivery
    2. Instructional Design
    3. Managing Learning Programs
  3. Recertification: CPLP is valid for 3 years and requires recertification points to maintain the CPLP status, e.g. professional conferences, training, leadership, etc. 
More about the CPLP from this past episode:

Why is the CPLP certification so important?
  • Increased individual performance
  • Increased employee performance
  • Improved organizational results
  • Increased relevance of talent development (TD)
  • Benefits to hiring managers, employers, and credential holders
  • It offers credibility, continuous learning, and a community of professionals to connect within TD

Countdown to the CPLP Calendar:
Here are a few steps to developing your own study plan for the Knowledge and Skills Application exams as you prepare for certification:
  1. Assess your time resources - where will you find 80 hours to study before the first exam? What time can you dedicate to preparing for the CPLP?
  2. Assess your study resources - what will you use to prepare? Do you have this ASTD handbook, the CPLP Study System? Or will you attend an in-person or online workshop to prepare for certification?
  3. Set a deadline - break up what you want to know and how you plan to learn for each AOE for the CPLP exams -- what’s your “to study” list and how will you organize this
  4. Plot your schedule backwards - map out what you will study when on your calendar and COMMIT to these study sessions; identify some room for flexibility and change in this schedule should things come at work, home, etc. 
  5. Predict the future - how does this CPLP certification fit into your future professional goals, life plans, or career objectives? What life/work events might occur while you are studying and preparing over the next few months? Be prepared!
  6. Stick to the plan - once you have organized how, when, and where you will study be accountable to this certification preparation plan; make this a priority for you!
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