1.9. Communication Techniques & Tools

Communication: What tools and techniques help with effective communication of the performance improvement solution? (AOE 1. Performance Improvement; Sub-section 1.9. Communication Techniques and Tools) Connect with the podcast post on Twitter: @laurapasquini Or LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/laurapasquini/ Are you studying for the CPLP? Want more learning & performance ideas? Subscribe to the pod for the next study session: https://learnperform.transistor.fm/subscribe
AOE 1. Performance Improvement; Sub-section 1.9. Communication Techniques & Tools
Learning Objective Communication: Describe the importance of planning communication for a performance improvement initiative.

For performance improvement and solution implementation, you need to know the audience to communicate these initiatives and the appropriate communication style that will be the most helpful. This might be a verbal presentation or even clear and concise written communication. Consider the following communication items for performance solutions:
  • Stages in the process:  the performance initiative, analysis, planning, and execution
  • Stakeholders to target this information and sharing 
  • Best communication channels in the organization
  • Organizational culture and power structures from within the company
  • Communications channels external to the organization - media, press, broadcast, etc.
  • Conversations and meetings to adopt this change
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